
Open to anyone 12 and older

No race license required

Competitor First Name *

Enter FIRST name of the driver
E.g. Scott

Competitor Last Name *

Enter LAST name of the driver
E.g. Dixon

Date Of Birth *

Enter your date of birth
(use format dd/mm/yyyy)

Age Group *

Enter your age group

Expected or Estimated Lap Time *

Please input your estimated or expected lap times. Drivers will be split in to equal groups based on nominated times.
(for new drivers/driver training please select group 4 – limited to 100kmph and put N/A)

Vehicle Number *

Enter your preferred competition number

Vehicle Make *

Enter your vehicle make
E.g. Ford

Vehicle Model *

Enter your vehicle model type
E.g. Escort

Vehicle Colour *

Enter your vehicle primary (main) colour

Vehicle Engine CC Rating *

Enter your vehicle engine cubic capacity

Vehicle Induction *

Enter your vehicle induction type

Vehicle Log Book No. *

Enter your vehicle log book number *If none put NIL
For road cars (RS Cup) enter number plate

Audit Requirement *

For this event, is your vehicle due to be scrutineered?
*Log booked cars every third event OR if six months since last event
-WOF/REG road cars, EVERY event

Transponder *

Transponder and timing is optional, you can use your own form of timing too.

Transponder Number.

Enter your transponder number

Emergency Contact Name *

Enter the name of your contact should there be an emergency

Emergency Contact Relationship *

What is their relationship to you?

Emergency Contact Phone *

What is their contact phone number?

Drivers Licence Disqualified *

Currently is your NZ civil drivers licence disqualified?

Supplementary Regs *

I understand and agree to abide by the event supplementary regulations (found on the event page)

Indemnity & Consent *

I agree to the MSNZ indemnity and to abide by the terms and conditions as set out for this event, available from the event page of our website

SKU: transpecgtoil-trackdayout Category:


Note: Spaces limited to 60

Refunds: The organizer must be notified of withdrawals prior to the start of documentation to consider a full refund. No refunds will be issued otherwise.

Additional information

MCC Member

Member, Non-Member